Shopping Center Decathlon
San Fernando de Henares (Spain)
>With concrete precast panels made in DyD Special Formliners
Concrete Precast Company: Castelo
Casting the DyD PU Elastomer E562 on the master copy.
Demoulding the DyD PU Elastomer formliner
Cleaning with paper and solvent of the gluing surface in the concrete precast factory.
Setting the formliners on the work surface.
Setting the formliners on the work surface.
Setting the formliners on the work surface.
PU glue processing.
Gluing the formliners with DyD PUR special glue.
Gluing the formliners with DyD PUR special glue.
Formliners ready to be concreted.
First precast panel in white concrete made with our PU Elastomer formliners.
Detail of the concrete precast panel.
Shopping Center.
Shopping Center.